Here's a Little Yarn About TM Alterations

Here's a Little Yarn About TM Alterations

Our story is simple but our needlework is exquisite

TM Alterations is brand new to Minnesota and we're excited to tailor your wardrobe. You may have access to numerous apparel outlets, but do you have alteration experts on speed dial? We have over 20 years of alteration experience and specialize in bridal wear. Seamstress Thanh has professional sewing and design training, which means she can handle anything in your wardrobe. Shop your closet for pieces that would benefit from a trip to Thanh's.

5 easy fixes for garments that don't fit

We take pride in our work and value our clients. If you've never been to an alteration shop, we'll explain each part of the alteration process. Most people have blacklisted gorgeous items of clothing because they don't fit well. Thanh can refashion troublesome ensembles with ease. Ask her for help with quick fixes like these:
  1. Removing pleats
  2. Adjusting necklines
  3. Darting side panels
  4. Hemming pants
  5. Adding zippers
Call 507-258-6051 to make an appointment or walk in for instant service.